
I am learning HTML, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Vue.js and Nuxt.js by myself.
Now, I am mainly learning React.
I will learn TypeScript, Node.js, Java and Python.
For now, I have basic skills of HTML, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript and jQuery/ Vue.js/ Nuxt.js.
I can handle responsive design.
I can use Japanese and English.
I will study German.

-My thoughts

This site was created to show my works and improve my skill with Nuxt.js.
I learned and also did researches on a lot of things while creating this site, especialy Vue.js/ Nuxt.js.
I wanted to make my portfolio site minimalist design page.
So, I checked many cool minimalist web pages. And I was inspired by those.

As I am currently still studying and developing my skills, this is not a final product but a progress. I am continuing to create new productions.
I am constantly trying to be better and satisfy my own perfectionism but this website reflects my current level of skill.
None the less, I am proud of myself to have created this site because I am always learning a lot of things.
I keep on growing. 🔥


If this introduction of my skill and character has convinced you,
I would be happy to hear from you for an interview and a tangible job offer.
Don't hesitate to contact me. 😎
Please message me by Email or Instagram or by using the Form underneath this text.
I will reply as soon as possible.

Current my portfolio is here. So, if you contact me, please visit my newest portfolio site.
